Wednesday evening me anlal n mahesh planned to meet up and decided to check out the food fiesta-09 in Lulu hypermarket - we couldnt find anything particularly interesting there, other than a couple of ladies cooking frantically in the wide corridor, participating in some cookery competition and a by and large bored audience...
We had food from Salkara - a real nice restaurant that treats you with delicious kerala dishes in Gods own country flavours. Intrigued by the guys in the next table having this mysterious looking beverage, we tried the "special tea"- you get a transparent glass with about 40% black tea topped up with thick milk froth. But unfortunately, after the ritual of stirring it, you are left with normal tea, anyway, i loved the flavour (yummy...for some strange reason i dont like this particular word, awesome is another, and there are lots more in my personal list of unpalatable english words).
Anlal then told us about an astrologer/palmistry expert visiting Dubai, who had predicted and read him precisely sometime in the past. Mostly I regard astrology/palmistry as a pseudo science and further, if it is all written beforehand, there is no point in holding on to the concept of free will. Anyways since our curiosity was stirred, me and Mahesh promptly decided to meet this astrologer in the weekend to have a glimpse of our future. Hope curiosity wont kill our cats...
We did bit of shopping and headed to our favorite hangout spot - the deserted parking lot in Qusais...we tried some fruits from the food festival sitting in the trunk of Mahesh's car, and he was threatening to close the door on us when ever we pulled his leg...mysteriously, mahesh found himself snugly tucked up in the dickey after a while...
Now as we started getting bored, we decided to test the anti theft security system of the altima by allowing mahesh to drive it while the key was outside, the display in the dash shows a "no key" warning, but the expected security feature was a total failure, the engine did not stall and mahesh drove the car around merrily without the key... Later i looked up in the user manual and figured out that, only if the car is switched off, the Vehicle Immobilizer System feature engages and only if all the doors and trunk are locked the anti theft alarm enters its armed phase...useful info...gulp!
(As usual), while mahesh was driving in zig zags thrilled for the failure of the security system, a white 4 wheel drive with an RTA sticker, pulled up, and the suspicious official asked mahesh to show his licence, he thought some friends were practicing driving lessons...the gentleman left the scene once we explained to him the importance of the anti theft testing procedure under progress, thankfully he did not notice the other two cars parked in the middle of the road haphazardly.
So the astrology appointment was before 8:00 PM on friday and we almost made it just before his office closed - we were infact delayed by our unplanned weekend road trip to Sweihan/Al-Ain. All three of us entered the office with the mindset of attending a job interview, and there was this palmist guy with a laptop, a lens and a counch shell. After an eloquent briefing on palmistry basics - he read our palms, one by one - inputs being our zodiac sign and age. Good news for me - Saturn's occlusion effect on Jupiter's blessing is almost going to cease by 10 September 2009.