A little family secret: my (far) better half urges me often to try out new restaurants and international cuisines. Since this hobby has quite conflicting consequences in an infamously recession hit economy of Dubai..or better put - as I’m frugal about spending on fancy restaurants, I usually pretend to be a loyal advocate of home cooked food...(blogs apart : Luckily for me, she is a pretty good homemaker and always ensure that we get to eat great food at home.)
Even so, as a part of maintaining a happy family in these trying times, I give in occasionally...and partner always wanted to try Sushi. The term sushi sounded quite repulsive to me...Both of us had no idea what to expect. I did some research to find out the truth about sushi... Apparently Sushi is famous Japanese cuisine, mostly consisting of raw fish and I tried to convince her that it was not at all recommended for sane people like us(?) ?? ...mmm
Once, while we were window shopping at Festival City we happened to stumble upon one queer eatery named "YO!Sushi" ...instantly I could feel a lateral gravitational push(?) towards the shop as in Punjabi house movie...And my partner was looking at me romantically...that was a Sushi restaurant...
As a matter of fact, I had to eat most of the Sushi for their fishy, inviting smell and taste...and after 4 or 5 Sushi dishes with God-knows-what ingredients, the only dish my smart partner perhaps ate was some chocolate fudge...
A recurring feeling for puking prevailed for the rest of that evening and then night...
Even so, as a part of maintaining a happy family in these trying times, I give in occasionally...and partner always wanted to try Sushi. The term sushi sounded quite repulsive to me...Both of us had no idea what to expect. I did some research to find out the truth about sushi... Apparently Sushi is famous Japanese cuisine, mostly consisting of raw fish and I tried to convince her that it was not at all recommended for sane people like us(?) ?? ...mmm
Once, while we were window shopping at Festival City we happened to stumble upon one queer eatery named "YO!Sushi" ...instantly I could feel a lateral gravitational push(?) towards the shop as in Punjabi house movie...And my partner was looking at me romantically...that was a Sushi restaurant...
And since it was a long time request, I decided to suppress rationalizing and procrastinating. Like the baggages on conveyor belts in airports, different Sushi dishes were making rounds on a steel belt, in porcelain dishes of bright colors. As if to improve your appetite, there were chefs chopping and cleaning up the guts of raw fish inside the circle.....
The smiling waitress explained that she was not from Japan and that they calculated the total bill from the colors of dishes. She also taught us newbies how to hold the legendary Sushi sticks. The hostess suggested some of the cooked varieties. There were some sauces and pickles on display and I gladly sampled one green paste on the counter top. Instantly I regretted the action, for the stuff was extremely spicy and pungent. I offered this delicacy that ruthlessly invaded my taste buds to my curious partner, who also had similar experience :D...
As a matter of fact, I had to eat most of the Sushi for their fishy, inviting smell and taste...and after 4 or 5 Sushi dishes with God-knows-what ingredients, the only dish my smart partner perhaps ate was some chocolate fudge...
A recurring feeling for puking prevailed for the rest of that evening and then night...
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